What is a positive mindset and how do you create a positive mindset? 

A positive mindset is a way of thinking which enables you to believe in yourself. By creating this, you can create opportunities in life which will bring you better outcomes and greater self satisfaction. Its sometimes called the glass half full, or having a can do attitude.     Did you know that there are effective techniques for working out what you can do rather than what you can't do? 


So, if you don't already have this in your mindset toolbox, here are some tips for how to create a positive mindset. 

  1. Focus - Declutter your mind. This might sound obvious but it is one of the simplest ways to start creating a positive mindset. if you're so busy focusing on what you can't do, how can positive thoughts get any headspace?  "Where focus goes, energy flows." Tony Robbins, author, coach, speaker. 
  2. Social media - This is a fertile place for building negative thoughts. "I'm not as pretty, thin, clever, tall, fit, rich, talented as her!" You know that social media can be a fickle friend, so why keep hanging on every word you hear? You know these people don't live perfect lives, yet you still consume their stories to compare against yourself. Treat your social media as entertainment and be more picky about what you watch.
  3. Your tribe - Are you surrounding yourself with people who support your decisions? Hint: You wont change that toxic relationship by staying in the zone and letting it eat away at your positivity. This is a little trickier and may take some courage, but an audit of your tribe can bring amazing emotional freedom. You can love someone yet not want their opinions dragging you down. Limit your time with mood hoovers and assert your wishes not to be pulled in to their negativity.
  4. Challenge your negative thinking - Don't be afraid to challenge yourself whenever you are feeling negative. Teaching yourself how to create a positive mindset is an ongoing process with exponential benefits. Write down your unhelpful thoughts - writing things down is really useful for gaining perspective. Sometimes when something is worrying you a lot, just grabbing a pen and paper can lessen the load. 
  5. Celebrate - Yes celebrate your wins. Its easy to slip into the habit of negating your good stuff. How often do you say to yourself "I did this good thing BUT then this not good thing overshadowed it" 

How to create a positive mindset. These thoughts will be super useful to improve resourceful thinking.

I am no good at anything 

I am sometimes no good at anything 

I am sometimes quite good at somethings 

I am really good at somethings and just feeling in a grouchy mood

Its ok to feel in a grouchy mood sometimes

I'd like to get better at this thing, so what must I do next? 



"If you are positive, you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles" Confucius 




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Breakthrough Day

Are you a busy mature professional looking to inject some rapid changes into your life? As incredible as it sounds, you can ditch every one of your negative beliefs in one day.

If you prefer a supercharged approach to creating your best self, a Breakthrough Day could be the perfect option for you.

Imagine benefitting from 6 months of life coaching and hypnotherapy in a single, supercharged day.

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Blissful Rebalance

Are you so busy with life that you forget to recharge your emotional batteries? You may be juggling work and personal life, albeit not very well. Worries tend to get buried as life races by, but these worries will keep resurfacing until they are resolved. 

How about a Blissful Rebalance session?  90 minutes of peace, calm and balance with hypnotherapy, breath work and relaxation to float away your stress and replenish your mind with positivity and peace. 

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Empower.Her Empower.Him

Do you put yourself on the back burner when it comes to how you fit into your own life? Maybe you shy away from those big life goals through a lack of confidence. You may be struggling with social anxiety or impostor syndrome? You probably don’t know what is holding you back, but you do know that you compare unfavourably to others.

If you are struggling with this state of mind, these coaching sessions are perfect for dismantling your negative beliefs over a period of time. Each session is designed to move you forward to living your best life.

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Client testimonials

  • My engagement with Jules was a life changing experience and I cannot recommend her highly enough!

  • "What's great about Jules is that she guides you on a positive way forward, helping you to understand yourself and your behaviour and the empowering knowledge that you can change things , and that you can have your life again!"

    Jen Tegg
  • Jules used NLP to help me redefine the challenge at hand and gain more insight. I was able to break down who I am into different selves and reflect on how these relate to my overall goals and next steps.

    Michael C